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Many issues affect your health and wellness.  At the Wycoff Wellness Center we take a different approach and look to find the cause or causes of your issues - not just prescribe a medication to treat a symptom.

We attempt to restore normal function.  Many chronic health issues can be helped by following our 8-point treatment program:           

  • Identify hypothyroid conditions and treat with bioidentical thyroid replacement and appropriate thyroid gland support
  • Identify inhaled allergies and treat with elimination, sublingual immunotherapy or Low Dose Allergen Immunotherapy (LDA)                                              
  • Identify nutrient deficiencies (vitamins & minerals) and replace with high quality supplements - both oral and intravenous routes
  • Identify female and male hormone imbalance and replace with bioidentical hormones
  • Identify Adrenal Fatigue and treat with appropriate supplements and/or bioidentical hormones
  • Identify and treat food allergies with elimination, sublingual immunotherapy or Low Dose Allergen Immunotherapy (LDA)        
  • Identify and treat chronic yeast overgrowth
  • Educate and implement an appropriate healthy eating program

We are comitted to finding the cause(s) of your symptoms not just treating your symptoms.  Find out if the Wycoff Wellness Approach will work for you!  Call today for your initial visit and consultation.

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